In the case of a one-person economy booking, if there is no other travel companion that can be organized for the flight, the fare for 2 persons is payable.
Route | |
Route: | |
Fare and Offers: | |
Destination/Arrival address: | |
Return: | |
Flight departure / arrival at the airport: | |
Flight number: |
Number of passengers | |
Number of luggages: | |
Number of children: | |
Number of child safety seats: |
The price of the selected offer for the number of passengers given: | HUF |
Route | |
Route: | |
Fare and Offers: | |
Destination/Arrival address: | |
Return: | |
Flight departure / arrival at the airport: | |
Flight number: |
Number of passengers | |
Number of luggages: | |
Number of children: | |
Number of child safety seats: |
The price of the selected offer for the number of passengers given: | HUF |
Number of luggages | |
Number of hand luggages: | |
Number of luggages of max. 15 kilogrammes: | |
Number of luggages of max. 20 kilogrammes: | |
Number of luggages of over 20 kilogrammes: | |
Baby carriage: | |
Pets: | |
Luggage with extra size: | |
Additional charge of luggages: | HUF |
Total fee: | HUF |
Note that in Budapest, in case of certain addresses (District III, IV, X., XV, XVI, XVII) an extra charge (2500 HUF) is added to the calculated fee.
Route | |
Route: | |
Fare and Offers: | |
Destination/Arrival address: | |
Return: | |
Flight departure / arrival at the airport: | |
Flight number: |
Number of passengers | |
Number of luggages: | |
Number of children: | |
Number of child safety seats: |
The price of the selected offer for the number of passengers given: | HUF |
Number of luggages | |
Number of hand luggages: | |
Number of luggages of max. 15 kilogrammes: | |
Number of luggages of max. 20 kilogrammes: | |
Number of luggages of over 20 kilogrammes: | |
Baby carriage: | |
Pets: | |
Luggage with extra size: | |
Additional charge of luggages: | HUF |
Name (contact person): | |
Telephone number: | |
E-mail: | |
Invoicing details: | |
Comments: |
Total fee: | HUF |
Note that in Budapest, in case of certain addresses (District III, IV, X., XV, XVI, XVII) an extra charge (2500 HUF) is added to the calculated fee.